WHO: Barry Trussoni Estate WHERE: S5425 Trussoni Ln, Genoa, WI WHEN: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 TIME: 10:00 AM LUNCH: Mr. Burger
LOCATION:17 Miles West of Viroqua on Hwy 56, or 2.5 miles east of Genoa on Hwy 56 to Mound Ridge Rd. Take Mound Ridge Rd to Berra Ridge, follow Berra Rd to Trussoni Ln, then Trussoni Ln to Farm. Watch for Auction Arrows.
Tractors: IH 886 Diesel w/ Cab WF 3 Point 18-4-38 Rubber 3100 hrs, IH 656 Diesel w/ Cab 3 Point WF Dual Hyd 15-5-38 Rubber, Farmall Super MTA Gas Wide Front & Fenders w/ Umbrella & NF for Super MTA, Farmall C w/ Fenders, Cultivator & Plow, Farmall H w/ Loader, Fenders & Saw Rig. Equipment: NH 1465 9ft Haybine, NH 273 Baler w/ Thrower, NH 256 Hay Rake, NH 166 Hay Inverter, Gehl 7200 Green Chopper, Gehl 600 Chopper w/ 2 Row Corn Head & Hay Head, NI 324 2 Row Corn Picker, NH 845 Round Baler, NI 3615 Manure Spreader w/ Pan, 2 9x16 H&S Steel Kicker Racks, IH 10ft Grain Drill w/ G.S. Double Clutch, 56 IH Blower, IH 540 3-16 Steerable Plow, Kewanee 10ft Wheel Disc, IH 3-14 Tractor Plow, IH 3 Point Rotary Hoe, 3 Section Steel Drag, Wooden Gehl Chopper Box & Wagon, 40 ft Little Giant Elevator w/ Drag Hopper, 32 Ft Bale Conveyor, 20 ft Hay Conveyor, Gravity Box & Wagon, Ellis Tol Planter, 2 Wheel Trailer, Wood Splitter, Trailer Sprayer for 8 Rows, David Bradley Corn Sheller, Double L 3 Point Bale Mover. 4 Wheeler & Misc Items: Honda 250 4 Wheeler, Peter Wright Anvil, Metal Water Tank, Steel Gates, Wire Panels, Pile of Fence Posts, Round Bale Feeder, 6 Bales of Twine, Misc Lumber, Wash Tubes, Copper Boiler, Steel Wheels, Milk Cans, Milker Buckets, Cross Cut Saws, Sleds, Bare Wire, Fencing Items, Log Chains, Pile of Iron, Misc Wrenches, Bolts & Nuts, Tractor Chains, Roll of Tar Paper, Duplex Pump Jack, Pipe Wrenches, Weather Vane, Metal Seats, Floor Drill Press, Tol Spear & Axes, Cow Bells, Walking Cultivator, Walking Pot Hiller, Wooden Ladders, 15-5-38 Tractor Tires, Wagon Tires, Crate on Wheels, Wall Telephone, Gas Iron & Flat Irons, Coffee Grinder, Mantel Clock, Lanterns, Railroad Lantern, Several Nice Milk Cans, Cast Iron Kettle, Other Misc Items.