WHO: Carl and Sue Fox WHERE: E1202 Stevens Rd, De Soto WI WHEN: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 TIME:10:00 AM LUNCH: Mr. Burger
LOCATION:5 Miles South of Genoa on Hwy 35 or 5 Miles North of De Soto to Victory from Victory - take Stevens Rd 2 Miles to Farm. Watch for Auction Arrows.
Tractors: 1967 Model WF 3020 Gas (Real nice, 3-point hitch Tires: 15-5-38), Farmall M with Fenders (good rubber), Farmall H Motor Overhaul several years ago, Farmall A Engine Overhaul 50hrs good rubber
Equipment: NI 327 2 Row Picker Shelter, JD 24T Baler (sharp), PT 7 7ft Hesston Haybine, Hesston 7ft Hay Tedder, JD 4 Bar Rake on Steel, JD 10ft and 8ft Wheel discs, 2JD 290 Corn planters with Disc opener, Mc Deering 7ft Grain Drill on Steel, 3-Point PTO 250 Lime Spreader, JD 30 combine, 3-Point 7ft Blade, Dearborn 2-14 3-point plow, Gehl 5ft stock chopper, Massey Harris sickle mower, IH 2-16 Tractor Plow, 6 Row Field sprayer, 12 ft flatbed wagon and rack, Flatbed rack on steel wagon, flatbed rack and wagon, J&M and Bushnell Gravity box and wagon, 30ft 6in Hard-O Grain auger – (PTO like new), 6ft brush cutter (3point), Gehl hammer Mill - PTO, 2 section drag, 6ft 3-Point Blade
Trailer and 4 wheelers: Kawasaki 4-wheeler (with snowplow and winch), Load Trailer - 5x10 Dump Trailer, Bumper S&S Dura Line Cattle Trailer - 6x12 tandem nice
Guns: Remington 742 - 30-06, Savage 243 - left hand stainless, Remington 552 auto 22, Remington 1100 12gauge 3” mag auto, Mossberg 12-gauge pump, Remington 878 12gauge auto, Kesler 12-gauge bolt, Stevens 22 single shot, Remington Model 512 bolt, High point 9mm pistol, Marlin 30-30 lever action, Weatherby 22 auto, Rossi single 22 and 12 gauge barrel
Feed and Thaw: 30 Bushels of Barley, 30 Bales of Small Square, Barley Straw, 25 Bales of Small Square Hay Lawn and Misc Tools and Items: JD LX 279 Riding lawn mower, AC 24HP Riding Lawn Mower, Husqvarna chain saw, 5HP air compressor, Lincoln Electric welder, 4000 watt generator, log chains and chain binders, wood hauling trailer, tire changer, 8-4 and 8 ft steel gates, 12 ft step ladder, fence post, locust post, woven wire, miscellaneous lumber, hand corn planter, gas barrel and stand, wash tubes, dog kennel, wheel barrel, hog panels, Farmall A Tractor parts, forks and shovel, miscellaneous wrenches and socket tools, Kenmore electric stove, kitchen table with leave and 6 chairs
TERMS: CASH or GOOD CHECKS. ALL announcements made day of auction take precedence over all ads in print.
REGISTERED WISCONSIN AUCTIONEERS: Gary Olerud (608)632-1689 -- License #364 – Westby, WI Garrick Olerud 608-632-1043 -- License #2912 – Westby, WI